Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mitt Romny's Massive Medicare Fraud

"While Romney was a director of the Damon Corp., the company was defrauding Medicare of millions. Prosecutors called it ‘corporate greed run amok.’ The company was fined $100 million. But Romney himself made a fortune. Corporate greed … Medicare fraud. Sound familiar?"

The story begins in 1989, when Romney was the head of Bain Capital, a private equity firm that specialized in buying troubled companies, turning them around, and then selling them for a profit. That year, Bain bought Damon Corp., a medical testing company based in Needham, Mass.

Bain took the company public in 1991, and Romney served on the company’s board of directors. In 1993, Bain orchestrated a sale of the company to Corning Inc., getting a handsome return on its investment and earning Romney himself $473,000, according to The Real Romney. After the sale, Corning closed the main facility in Needham, laying off 115 people.

In October 1996, federal prosecutors announced that Damon was agreeing to pay $119 million in both civil and criminal fines after pleading guilty to defrauding Medicare. The company was  providing doctors with forms that didn’t make clear what tests included, so doctors were checking off additional tests that weren’t necessary, according to the Globe’s summary of the government’s case.

The overbilling went from 1988 through 1993, prosecutors said. "This is a case, pure and simple, of corporate greed run amok," U.S. Attorney Donald Stern said when the settlement was announced.


Criminal and now Florida Governor Rick Scott started and ran hospital chain Columbia/HCA. It too was fined heavily for massive Medicare fraud.  (You can read up on it here.)  The ad’s initial claim, that while Romney was "a director of the Damon Corp., the company was defrauding Medicare of millions is true. Like criminal Rick Scott Romney was also involved with massive fraud. Both of these corporate gangsters should be in jail but as anyone know the filthy rich rarely serve time for their crimes.

Maybe reporters will do their job and grill this greedy gangster Romney on this. If I had my way I would water board that Mormon son of a bitch.


Anonymous said...

In 1990 Romney's Bain Capital purchased the controlling interest in Damon Corp. a Medical Testing Company…. Mitt Romney joined the Board of Damon Corp. to help manage the Company…… two whistle blowers tipped off the government and Medicare Fraud Charges were brought against Damon Corp. In 1996 Damon Corp Plead Guilty to Frauding Medicare, they were fined $35,273,141.00 as a criminal fine in addition to $83,726,859.00 to resolve related liabilities.. Total Fines 119 Million Dollars.

Since Romney thinks corporations are people then it would follow that people are corporations and if they commit crimes then they should not go to jail either.

This represented a recovery of $3 for every $1 that they Stole from Federal and State Healthcare Programs…The U.S. Attorney who prosecuted the case is quoted as saying “A case pure and simple of Corporate Greed Run Amok”. The Company went Bankrupt in 2002, thousands of jobs were lost. Bain walk away with a Profit of 12 Million Dollars. Companies close all the time, what’s at stake are the crimes, not job losses.

At one point Romney denied knowledge of the crimes and later yes he flip flopped to say he was aware and on top of the problem. Serial flip flopper, sure and then some.

Mike Hunt said...

Romney Sucks and Doctors Suck!

I hate Romney and I Hate doctors.

CG Brady said...

Piss on Mitt.

El said...

Romney makes Gingrich look like Honest Abe.