Showing posts with label Paxil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paxil. Show all posts

Sunday, July 22, 2012

James Holmes and the Batman Shooting: Is Big Pharma Responsible For This Massacre

One thing the corporate run media has yet to mention is the probable prescription drug connection to this shooting rampage in that Aurora movie theater. The have remained mute. Anderson Cooper vowed not to even mention his name while Pierce Morgan decided to have a debate about gun control before the the bodies were even cold.

For years Doctor Peter Breggin has been warning the FDA and Congress to the dangers of these prescription poisons.

This is no conspiracy theory folks. Doctor Bregging is presenting the cold hard facts and science. Please watch the videos and pass them on.

The conspiracy theorists are claiming this was staged. That's a remote possibility but the more logical explanation is the same as for all the school shooting and other murders ... Prescription drugs. Even in the Casey Anthony case there were prescription drugs involved and in all the accounts of people who knew her she also underwent a drastic personality change. IMO this was not more staged that the many school shootings. Holmes planned this all by himself. Holmes has a very high IQ. The guns were easily obtainable as was the ammo. Bullet resistant body armor is available online.

The TV shrinks will be running their mouths and presenting theory as fact. Dr Drew will pipe in with his usual bullshit but don't expect him to implicate prescription drugs since Holmes was not an addict. Dr Phil will pontificate as well in order to exploit this for ratings and he will in all likelihood be talking about the victims so his brain dead audience can have their warm fuzzies but you will not hear any mention of  the mind altering effects of prescription drugs being catalyst in the shootings even though it is widely known that all the school shooting involved prescription antidepressant medications.
Alex Jones in his usual paranoid delusion is presenting one of his nut job conspiracy theories. If you want good laugh check out Alex Jones Says Batman Shooting Staged

There is no conspiracy here. Prescription drugs like the SSRIs SNRIs were the culprits in the school shootings and many other shooting rampages. Drugs like Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Lexapro, Cipralex, Celexa, Zoloft, Lustra, Pristiq, Cymbalta, were involved in all the school shootings.

It may not come out that Holmes was on a an anti depressant until the trial. The mainstream media will talk about gun control, half baked psychological theories and exploit the victims for ratings but don't expect to hear any discussion about the role drugs may have played  in the shooting, wounding and deaths of the Aurora movie theater shooting victims.

It's too bad that these shooters always end up killing innocent people. When there are so many scumbags who need killing like the 1%.